Sunday, August 26, 2007


For those of you who think the life of an Ewald is all work and no party, to you we say, "Ha!". The proof is in the jump.

Some people jog, some stroll hand-in-hand, others build castles or splash in the surf. The Ewalds? We jump.

There's no better way to party than a good ol' jump on the beach... except maybe capturing a good ol' jump on the beach on film.

(Taken in Manzanita, OR and Long Beach, WA.)

Try it for yourself. We dare you not to have fun.

(Just don't be discouraged if your jumps do not have the same athletic showmanship as our jumps. Sure, we make it look easy, but there's a lot to consider: height, form, facial expression...)

Work hard. Party hard. Jump high.


Anonymous said...

You guys are amazing jumpers!!!

Donn Ha said...

More than amazing - in some photos it doesn't even look like they're jumping. They're just kind ... of ... floating ...

S+D said...

Indeed, we have been fine-tuning our levitation skills.