Saturday, August 4, 2007

I'm a pepper!

A fruit of our labor.

This little jalapeno is one of the plants we have growing on our sunny balcony. It will soon be sacrificed to the guacamole gods.

We are growing just a few of the edible variety: jalapeno, rosemary, and sweet basil. (Thanks in part to past experiences of negligent gardening, such as a tomato plant that grew just one tomato, which upon never being picked, became sundried.)

The rest of our fruits are of the floral kind - not edible, but still quite visually tasty.

1 comment:

Donn Ha said...

Ah! Peppers in a pot! I grew some peppers indoors that survived two plus years, bearing fruit. Supposedly they can live up to 10 years indoors. Treat that plant well!