Saturday, October 3, 2009

Last night I opened a can of worms. The label on the can? eBay. As I stood at the counter grazing from a container of ice cream, I browsed the dizzying array of toys from my childhood. With opening bids starting at $4.99, I hated to think Anders would suffer a joyless childhood, naively playing with inferior "modern" (ie: non-chokeable) Fisher Price.

Love at first sight:

I had visions of a toddler, giggling, as he pulls this little plane behind. Its captain bobbing and propeller spinning as he runs by.

And this one made my heart skip a beat:

Picture an afternoon spent driving the luggage cart, loaded with its tiny suitcases, to and from the plane. Anders might enjoy it too.

Perhaps the nostalgia and plane appeal is inspired from our recent trip to the Midwest. Anders was the perfect passenger, calmly enjoying the flight from his window seat. His mama on the other hand?

I spent my pre-infant flights callously flipping through magazines, failing to notice the part of Delta's safety video that specifies, "In the event of a water landing, special life vests will be distributed for infants and small children."

Water landing. Infant.

The panic that cursed through my veins as my heart rate increased only served as more proof that, yes, this would surely be the one that goes down. And just to review... as we are barreling nose-first into a large body of water, I should calmly remove my bottom seat cushion and wait for a stewardess to distribute a life vest for the baby in the window seat next to me?

Thankfully no special life vest had to be distributed and my heart rate returned to normal upon seeing Dave at the gate. Hopefully future palpitations will be reserved for eBay.


Anonymous said...

Had a similar experience, but they actually handed out the infant life vest before we took off, just in case.

Hope you had a good trip to MN. My Jackson can't wait to get back there.


Jen Ulrick said...

You are my hero. Not because you want to get your kid toys to choke on, but because you dared to take him on an airplane. I would get panicky as soon as the doors close and trap me on the plane.

Anonymous said...

.....What a fabulous writer you are!! Ever thought about composing from home?..the next Erma Bombeck of a new generation??
Actually we were FAR more worried about you driving from the airport to our homes than the safe act of flying!! Thanks SO much for making the trip. It was a great addition to our memories of Anders many "new tricks" in the stages of growing up, ALL well documented in your photos.
Love, Gramps&Grandma Ewald

Anonymous said...

Just out of curiosity, what large body of water are you going to barrel nose into between PDX and MSP? ;)

Unlike your luck though, Ethan is NOT a good plane traveller - the woman behind Kevin actually said to the person sitting next to her that she felt sorry for the parents (i.e. Kevin and me)... Probably because neither Ethan nor Sofia were stellar travellers on the flight home.

Love you! Alanna.