Sunday, August 3, 2008

Gone Oregonian

Who are those handsome glasses-less mugs?

2 of 2 Ewalds are officially licensed to drive in the state of Oregon. Given it required the passing of a driver's knowledge test, it was no small feat. Fail and you must also take a behind-the-wheel. Considering I still can't parallel park (25% success rate?), failure was not an option.

In celebration of our Class C accomplishments, here are a few helpful reminders from the Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles:

- "Driving is not a time to solve business or family problems."

- "Never shoot a gun or discharge a bow and arrow on or across a highway."

- "If you encounter an aggressive driver... put your pride in the back seat. It's a battle with no winners. Wear your seat belt, avoid eye contact, ignore gestures, and refuse to return them."


Becky said...

Congrats guys - I heard that Saralyn may have passed with a better score... i think it was on CNN.

Anonymous said...

That's a total fabrication.