Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Photos from Newport

Just a small post to say we're still alive. Patsy went to the beach, chased bubbles and barked at sailboats. It was fun.


Unknown said...


These beach pictures are great. So moody! And you got to see a starfish! Patsy looks like she's settling in just fine. And hopefully you both are too. Dave and I have lamaze class all weekend from 9-3 but we'd love to talk to you and hear about your adventures so far. Talk soon?

David Pavelich said...

Yep, Lamaze class. On Monday we had "Infant Care," where a crazy doctor from China yelled things like, "For shower, you ask for 100 baby books! Then, you finish those books in a couple months and go to the library everyday and get fifteen twenty books!"

She called dirty diapers "Mooshy mooshy stew," which apparently means "mushy mushy stool."

She showed us slides of dirty diapers. She took the pictures herself.

I also learned that part of the umbilical cord stays on the baby and dries, withers, like a thirsting piece of a rosebush, and eventually falls off. I'm shocked to learn that you just throw this in the garbage. It seems so weird to do that.

I love the starfish, too. You guys look so good in that place, I tell you what. We send our best to both of you.

Donn Ha said...

Hmm. There's a bit of vignetting going on in that bird photo. Are these all D70s?