Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Lilman

9 Months Old Today.

I know it is exactly the type of thing we're supposed to say, but it is hard to believe how fast the time has gone.

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Little Fall

Fall is in the air. Time keeps on ticking, and we're quickly finding ourselves remembering the good old days of sleepless nights and baby acid reflux. You've heard (or experienced) it all before — what happened to my little baby? How did he get so big?

All of that.

That's all well and good, but with age comes great adventures and responsibilities. Anders has accepted, and excelling at, his role as resident baby singer, eater of sweet potato puffs, constant stander and less frequent faller. Though it is a bit early, there are signs he's already accepted the burden of taking care of his parents as we inch toward the Septembers of our lives. We take care of him, and in turn, he takes care of us.

To celebrate this beautiful symbiosis we have going, we decided Anders should have his first brush with pumpkins AND reality TV. Luckily, we live minutes from the littlest pumpkin-growing reality TV stars around - The Roloffs. We visited the farm, pet some goats, looked at some pumpkins, and had a lovely chat with Amy about the recent Nikon product line. We're pretty much family. To be sure, Anders wasn't quite ready for the excitement. Our hope is that the memories, and resulting photos, will endure for years to come.

FALL 2009!